Why Active Schools?

The Statistics are Staggering:

• 57% of Canadians aged 5-17 yrs are not active enough to meet international guidelines for
optimal growth and development. (Canadian Fitness and Lifestyles Research Institute (2001))

• Active students are less susceptible to stress, exhibit positive attitudes about school and themselves are less aggressive, and play better with fellow students. (Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 1992)

• Children are up to 40% less active than they were 30 years ago. (Ontario Medical
Association, 1992)

• 90% of Canadian youth are not active enough to receive any heart-health benefits. (Campbell Survey on Well-Being in Canada (1988))

• The prevalence of overweight boys and girls in Canada has increased by 92% and 57%
respectively in the past 15 years. (Heart Health Coalition (1997))

• Physical activity needs to be an integral part of every child’s school day.

Physical Fitness makes for smarter students!
Children who participate in regular physical fitness display:

• Improved self-esteem and self-concept. (Journal of School Health (1989))
• Lower levels of anxiety and stress. (Journal of School Health (1989))
• Academic performances equal to or better than those receiving more academic
curriculum time and less physical education.(The Vanves Experiment in Education (1972))

• More positive attitudes about school, physical activity, and themselves which lead to
improved attendance and reduced drop-out rates.

• A more positive school climate. Children are less aggressive and experience fewer
discipline problems. (Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute (1993)

• A reduced likelihood to smoke, use drugs, or consume alcohol. (Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute (1990))

Our goal like yours is to educate youth – we focus on giving them a healthy start to a lifetime of activity

Squash is a game that is easy to learn and fun to play! It is an exciting combination of cardiovascular, strength, flexibility and endurance training. Each class will be introduced to the basics of squash along with fun drills and games.

As part of our Active Schools Program, we also provide fitness activates including spin classes and aerobic exercises. Each class will be tailored to the needs of the students and will be led by a certified fitness instructor.

To ensure maximum benefit and enjoyment for the students during their visit to our club, it will be mandatory for all participants to be fully aware of the rules and regulations of the activities and have a basic understanding of how to use the equipment required to play the game.
Offsite in Your School

• Squash Ontario offers an Equipment Loaner Program. Designed for the use in the school gym as part of your physical education curriculum. The program includes equipment, instructor and resources.